Review Article

Critical Analysis of Strand-Biased Somatic Mutation Signatures in TP53 versus Ig Genes, in Genome-Wide Data and the Etiology of Cancer

Table 9

Somatic point mutation patterns in the TP53 mutated breast cancers in Nik-Zainal et al. exomic data [22].
(a) PD3890a Brac1

Original baseMutant base
ATCGTotal Statistics

A45312A TNS
T35715A>G versus T>CNS
C10191039G CNS
G1371838G>A versus C>TNS
G>T versus C>ANS
G>C versus C>GNS

(b) PD4005a Brac1

Original baseMutant base
ATCGTotal Statistics

A26513A TNS
T68519A>G versus T>CNS
C7241748G CNS
G22101345G>A versus C>TNS
G>T versus C>ANS
G>C versus C>GNS

(c) PD4109a triple negative

Original baseMutant base
ATCGTotal Statistics

A1151127A T1.35xNS
T77620A>G versus T>C1.57xNS
C8252053G C1.4xNS
G33182374G>A versus C>T1.32xNS
G>T versus C>A2.25xNS
G>C versus C>G1.15xNS

(d) PD4199a ER−ve, HER2+ve

Original baseMutant base
ATCGTotal Statistics

A1247A TNS
T1315A>G versus T>CNS
C6231948G C2.0x
G5683296G>A versus C>T2.43x
G>T versus C>A1.33xNS
G>C versus C>G1.68xNS

From exome Supplementary data from Nik-Zainal et al. 2012 [22]. The numbers in the table are the number of mutations scored. : total number of exomic mutations.