Research Article

Better Rooting Procedure to Enhance Survival Rate of Field Grown Malaysian Eksotika Papaya Transformed with 1-Aminocyclopropane-1-Carboxylic Acid Oxidase Gene

Table 6

Growth performance of transformed and nontransformed papaya plants 6 months after field planting.

ParameterPutative transgenic plant (cm)Control (nontransformed plant) (cm)

Plant height 181.78 ± 21.00201 ± 25.00
Stem girth 18.12 ± 1.4222 ± 1.23
Height of first flower 123.20 ± 9.21185 ± 7.9
Height of first fruit 123.20 ± 9.21185 ± 7.9
Mean internode length 2.10 ± 0.222.56 ± 0.90

Data is presented as a mean of 60 transgenic papaya plants and 10 control untransformed plants with ± standard deviation.