Clinical Study

The Presence of Mutations in the K-RAS Gene Does Not Affect Survival after Resection of Pulmonary Metastases from Colorectal Cancer

Table 1

Characteristics of the 90 patients included.

VariableNumber (percentage)

 Rectum56 (62.2%)
 Colon34 (37.8%)
 <65 years38 (42.2%)
 >65 years52 (57.8%)
Median: 65.7 (range: 40–82), DT: 8.7
Associated comorbidity
 Absent38 (42.2%)
 Present52 (57.8%)
Preoperative level of carcinoembryonic antigen
 Negative55 (61.1%)
 Positive24 (26.7%)
 Not measured11 (12.2%)
Previous liver metastasis
 No73 (81.1%)
 Yes17 (18.9%)
Disease-free interval
 <12 months12 (13.3%)
 >12 months78 (86.7%)
Mean: 39.9 (range: 0–181.6), SD: 29.7
 VATS7 (6.4%)a
 Thoracotomy103 (93.6%)a
Lymph node involvement
 No98 (89.1%)a
 Yes12 (10.9%)a
 <1 cm13 (11.8%)a
 >1 cm97 (88.2%)a
Number of metastases
 188 (80.0%)a
 >122 (20.0%)a
Laterality of the metastases
 Right60 (54.5%)a
 Left50 (45.5%)a
Type of resection
 Atypical55 (50.0%)a
 Lobectomy 39 (35.5%)a
 Lobectomy + atypical6 (5.5%)a
 Bilobectomy 1 (0.9%)a
 Pneumonectomy 5 (4.5%)a
 Lobectomy with chest wall resection4 (3.6%)a

As a percentage of the 110 surgical interventions performed. VATS: video-assisted thoracic surgery.