Clinical Study

Impact of Preoperative Counselling on Early Postoperative Mobilization and Its Role in Smooth Recovery

Table 1

Demographic and operative data.

DataGroup I () Group II () value

Age (years), mean (SD)36.70 (8.69)37.01 (8.43)0.79a
Gender, M : F49 : 6438 : 73
Mode of admission, n (%)
 Emergency department62 (54.86)55 (49.54)0.43b
 Outpatient department51 (45.13)56 (50.45)
Diagnosis n (%)
 Hernia22 (19.46)24 (21.62)
 Cholelithiasis/cholecystitis41 (36.28)35 (31.53)
 Appendicitis25 (22.13)28 (25.22)
 Intestinal obstruction13 (11.5)14 (12.61)
 Intestinal perforation3 (2.65)6 (5.40)
 CA colon3 (2.65)2 (1.80)
 Gastric carcinoma 1 (0.88) 0 ()
Type of surgery n (%)
 Hernia repair22 (19.46)24 (21.62)
 Cholecystectomy43 (36.28)35 (31.53)
 Appendectomy25 (22.13)28 (25.22)
 Graham’s repair1 (0.88)5 (4.5)
 Resection and anastomosis2 (1.76)1 (0.9)
 Hemicolectomy3 (2.65)2 (1.8)
 Gastrectomy 1 (0.88)0 ()
Duration of surgery (mins), mean (SD)64.91 (17.7)63.33 (18.4)0.51a
ASA score0.32b
 Mild systemic diseases4739
 Emergency (either class I or II)6255
Visual Analogue Score (VAS), mean (SD)3.80 (0.77)3.98 (0.92)0.10 a

-test for independent samples.
bChi-square test.