Research Article

Appetite Sensations, Appetite Signaling Proteins, and Glucose in Obese Adolescents with Subclinical Binge Eating Disorder

Table 1

Participant characteristics of the study population.

Obese adolescents without BE
( )
Obese adolescents with BE
( )

Age (years)
Sex6 M/3 F1 M/5 F
Weight (kg)
Height (cm)
BMI (kg/m2)
Waist circumference (cm)
Fat mass (kg)
Fat %
Fasting VAS hungera (mm)
Fasting VAS fulla (mm)
Fasting ghrelinb (pg/mL)
Fasting PYYb (pg/mL)
Fasting glucoseb (mmol/L)

BE: subclinical binge eating disorder; BMI: body mass index; VAS: visual analog scale; PYY: peptide YY.
Effect size: fasting hunger ( ), fasting satiety ( ), ghrelin ( ), and PYY ( ).
a (non-BE) after adjusting for sex and body fat mass.
b (non-BE) after adjusting for sex and body fat mass.