Research Article

Is Cut-Flower Industry Promotion by the Government Negatively Affecting Pollinator Biodiversity and Environmental/Human Health in Uganda?

Table 15

Perception of the place (area) where to get better yield between the near and the far areas to the flower farm.

Statement No.Question: Who can get higher yields between the one growing close to the flower farm compared to the one growing crops far away (>2 km) and why? (all growing/environmental conditions are standards and similar)Frequency (%)

1 I am not sure (I do not know) 10.9
2 I am not sure if the distance has an effect on yield but difference in yields can be due to varieties, age of plants, and fertility conditions2.3
3 I know, I will get higher yield at >2 Km far from the flower than growing near it, but I still cannot explain why2.3
4 No difference in yield and if there exist differences, it depends on good care and management of crops and fields 3.9
5 The same yield everywhere (I see no reason for difference in yields), there should be no difference in yields 10.8
6 The yield is high in the village because of difference in fertility levels of fields1.6
7 There should be no difference in yields but difference can be due to difference in fertility levels of the fields 11.6
8 Definitively, mangos/avocado will yield more in the village because bees have been killed near the flower farm 7.8
9Digging at the edge of the flower farm with toxic fumes, you must get no (low) yields 2.3
10Even when the level of fertility of the soil is the same, yield will still differ (being high in the village) but I do not know why?1.6
11Growing crops near flower farm, no yield because no bees; but in the village there are some bees, flies, and wasps to pollinate my crops 1.6
12Higher yields are in the village because we pose no harm to bees in the village but the flower spray alot to chase them away1.6
13Higher yields are in the village because soils are fertile there and people care more for their crops up there0.8
14 I am not sure if someone who grows coffee faraway from the flower farm will harvest more than me 4.7
15I can harvest more in the village than near the flower farms, I am sure 0.8
16I think it should be the same yield if all variables and growing conditions (rainfall, management, bee-visits, soil, and fertility levels) remain the same over time0.8
17 I think the one who grows far away will get higher yield even if I donot why 3.1
18 I will get the same yields if we receive the same quantity of rain 4.7
19If everything is constant at all farms, the yield would be the same, I see nothing bringing a difference0.8
20No difference in yields, but if it exists, it can only be due to bad weather, infertility of soils, management techniques, and planting bad varieties 1.6
21Similar yields if we manage fields equally2.3
22 The yields will be different since we have different levels of weed management system/soil fertility/bee-visitations and thus bee-visitations will be different and consequently yield different 3.9
23Higher yields are in the village due to different levels of fertility, management, and bee-abundances compared to flower farm edge where bees are continuously killed3.1
24There will be higher yields in the village because there are many bees to enable getting better yields than near the flower farm0.8
25 Yields near the flower farm cannot be similar to that in the village (>2 km) because growing conditions are not the same 3.9
26Yields will be higher in the village because of high fertility levels in the village1.6
27Yields will be higher in the village probably due to difference in environmental conditions and not due to difference in bees1.6
28 Yields will be high in the village because there are many bees at >2 km far from the flower farm 7.0
29Yields are high in the village (>2 km) because polluted water from the flower farm is not running up there to kill crops and bees are not drinking polluted water here0.8