Research Article

Predictors of Salivary Fistulas in Patients Undergoing Salvage Total Laryngectomy

Table 2

Comparisons between types of neopharyngeal closure techniques and their associated overall fistula rate (major and minor).

Minor/major fistula pooled comparisonsFistula rate value

Complete pharyngectomy vs. partial50.0% (1/2) vs. 45.5% (5/11)0.51
Single-layer closure vs. all others66.7% (6/9) vs. 43.6% (17/39)0.38
Single- vs. double-layer closure66.7% (6/9) vs. 57.1% (8/14)0.98
Single- vs. triple-layer closure66.7% (6/9) vs. 28.6% (2/7)0.31
Single-layer closure vs. pec. flap overlay66.7% (6/9) vs. 22.2% (2/9)0.15
Pec. flap overlay vs. all others22.2% (2/9) vs. 53.8% (21/39)0.18

vs.: versus; pec.: pectoralis.