Clinical Study

Coloplasty Neorectum versus Straight Anastomosis in Low Rectal Cancers

Table 1

Clinical characteristics.

ParameterTCP groupSA group

Mean age (yr)53.6 (range 22–80)49.59 (range 19–75)
Male : female1.4 : 11.2 : 1
Presenting symptoms
 Bleeding P/R22 (100%)20 (100%)
 Constipation 14 (63.6%)10 (50%)
 Tenesmus12 (54.5%)10 (50%)
 Diarrhoea12 (54.5%)5 (25%)
 Urgency 5 (22.7%)10 (50%)
 Night soiling4 (18.2%)3 (15%)
Mean duration of
symptoms (months)
4.1 (range 2–8)4.5 (range 2–8)
Tumor location (mean distance in cm from anal verge)7.6 (range 5–12)7.3 (range 5–12)
Dukes stage of tumor
(number of pts.)
9 (40.9%)7 (35%)
4 (18.2%)2 (10%)
8 (36.4%)9 (45%)
1 (4.5%)2 (10%)