Research Article

Parasitic Contamination of Fruits and Vegetables Collected from Selected Local Markets of Jimma Town, Southwest Ethiopia

Table 3

Chi-square test of factors associated with parasitic contamination of fruits and vegetables sold in selected markets of Jimma Town from April 22 to May 14, 2013.

VariablesResult of parasitological analysis value
Pos (%)Total

 HirmataMerkato62 (68.9)90 13.9370.003
 Bishishe59 (65.6)90
 Agip46 (51.1)90
 Kochi41 (45.6)90
 Total 208 (57.8)360
Kind of produce
 Salad 35 (77.8)45 15.850.027
 Green pepper24 (53.3)45
 Cabbage31 (68.9)45
 Lettuce25 (55.6)45
 Carrot28 (62.2)45
 Tomato21 (46.7)45
 Banana23 (51.1)45
 Mango21 (46.7)45
 Total 208 (57.8)360
Sources of the produces
 Farmers 56 (62.2)902.7230.256
 Middle men139 (57.7)241
 Private garden13 (44.8)29
 Total 208 (57.8)360
Market type
 Grocery32 (59.3)540.0570.811
 Open market176 (57.5)306
 Total 208 (57.8)360
Washed before display
 Yes 37 (38.1)9720.9800.000
 No 171 (65)263
 Total 208 (57.8)360
Water source for washing purpose
 Pipe water21 (35%)601.7720.412
 Well water14 (48.3)29
 River water2 (28.6)7
 Total 37 (38.5)96
Means of display
 On the floor 146 (58.6)2490.8700.833
 On shelf in shop9 (60)15
 On tables 47 (56.6)83
 On wheel barrow6 (46.2)13
 Total 208 (57.8)360
Handled by vendor who has
 No formal education109 (58.6)1860.3360.845
 Primary education82 (57.7)142
 Secondary education17 (53.1)32
 Total 208 (57.8)360