Research Article

Clinical Features and Outcome of Sporadic Colorectal Carcinoma in Young Patients: A Cross-Sectional Analysis from a Developing Country

Table 1

Baseline characteristics of the study population.

VariablesAll colorectal carcinoma ( )Colon cancer ( )Rectal cancer ( )

Age, mean (SD)33.3 (7.9)33.74 (8.0)32.80 (8.0)
 16–25 years (%)24 (18)12 (17)12 (20)
 26–35 years (%)44 (34)24 (33)20 (34)
 36–45 years (%)63 (48)36 (50)27 (46)
Gender, male (%)87 (66.4)50 (69.4)37 (62.7)
Bleeding P/R (%)68 (51.9)18 (25)50 (84.7)
Abdominal lump (%)16 (12.2)12 (16.7)4 (6.8)
Intestinal obstruction (%)29 (22.1)21 (29.2)8 (13.6)
Stage at diagnosis (%)
 Stages 1 and 234 (26)22 (31)12 (20)
 Stages 3 and 497 (74)50 (69)47 (80)
Grade of tumor (%)
 Grade 18 (6.1)4 (5.6)4 (6.8)
 Grade 273 (55.7)47 (65.3)26 (44.1)
 Grade 350 (38.2)21 (29.2)29 (49.2)
Presence of signet ring cell morphology (%)28 (21)6 (8)22 (37)
Presence of polyps (%)10 (7.6)9 (12.5)1 (1.7)