Research Article

Patient Attitudes towards Physician Nonverbal Behaviors during Consultancy: Result from a Developing Country

Table 2

Gender specific need of expressive touch and eye contact from the physician during consultancy.

Gender value*
Male (%)Female (%)Total (%)

Do you want physical
touching by the doctor?
 Yes (%)62 (88.5)37 (74)99 (82.5)0.03
 No (%)8 (11.5)13 (26)21 (17.5)
 Total (%)70 (100)50 (100)120 (100)
Do you feel comfortable with
his/her eye contact?
 Yes (%)87 (95.6)28 (96.5)115 (95.8)0.08
 No (%)4 (4.3)1 (3.4)5 (4.1)
 Total (%)91 (100)29 (100)120 (100)

Chi-square test.