Research Article

Use of Nonspecific, Glutamic Acid-Free, Media and High Glycerol or High Amylase as Inducing Parameters for Screening Bacillus Isolates Having High Yield of Polyglutamic Acid

Figure 1

Identification of components of EPS from Bacillus K. The polymer (EPS) was obtained from medium without glutamic acid supplementation, medium: 20 g sodium citrate/l, 40 g glycerol/l, in Bushnell and Hass basal medium. EPS was hydrolysed using 6 N HCl at specified conditions and then neutralized with NaOH. Chromatograms were developed using butanol : acetic acid : water (9 : 6 : 5). (a) Detection of components using ninhydrin reagent. Lanes 1 = native polymer, 2 = native polymer + glutamic acid (cochromatography), 3 = standard glutamic acid, 4 = polymer hydrolysed with acid in autoclave at 110°C for 2 h + glutamic acid (cochromatography), 5 = acid-hydrolysed polymer. (b) Detection of components using anisidine phthalate reagent. Lanes 1 = polymer heated without acid at 110°C for 18 h, 2 = polymer heated without acid in autoclave at 110°C for 2 h, 3 = standard glutamic acid, 4 = standard glucose, 5 = native polymer, 6 = polymer hydrolysed with acid at 110°C for 18 h, 7 = polymer hydrolysed with acid in autoclave at 110°C for 2 h.