Research Article

Mothers’ Perception and Healthcare Seeking Behavior of Pneumonia Children in Rural Bangladesh

Table 1

Local terminology for clinical features of pneumonia and other related diseases.

Clinical features:
  Noisy cough-dom dom shobdo kore
  Noisy breathing-ghor ghor shobdo kore
  Running nose-nak diye pani pore
  Red skin rashes-lal lal gota
  Difficult breathing-shash tante or shash nite koshto hoi or
  nishash tante koshto
  Rapid breathing-ghono ghono shash tane
  Chest retractions-buk debe jai, buk venge jai
  Fever with shivering-kapuni diye jor
  Lethargic-Netiye pore
  Common cold-thanda
  Heart disease-harter oshukh
Other Terms:
  Cold (disease, food/drink, temperature)
  Cold to touch-(hat paa thanda)
  Changing of body color (bluish or black)-gayer rong nil,
  kalo hoye jay