Research Article

Unusual Seven Coordination of Oxovanadium(V) Oximato Complex: Synthesis and X-Ray Crystal Structure

Table 1

Crystal data and structure refinement parameters for [VO(acac)(dametsc)] (1).

SVEmpirical formula
366.314Formula weight
298 KTemperature
MonoclinicCrystal system
Space group
Unit cell dimensions
14.7658 (6) Å
8.5776 (3) Å
13.4142 (5) Å
95.2289 (13)°
1691.91 (11) Å3Volume
1.438 mg m−3Density
0.73 mm−1Absorption coefficient
2.910–27.485°Theta range for data collection
, , Index ranges
4455Independent reflections
1729Observed reflections
NoneAbsorption correction
1727Reflections collected [ > 3σ ( )]
Full-matrix least squares on Refinement method
0.76, −0.81Δ , Δ (eÅ−3)
= , = Final indices
= , = indices (all data)