Review Article

Brachial Plexus Injuries in Adults: Evaluation and Diagnostic Approach

Table 3

Terminal branches of brachial plexus and their action.


Dorsal scapular (C5)RhomboidStabilization of scapula

Long thoracic (C5)Serratus anteriorAbduction of scapula

Suprascapular (C5)Supraspinatus InfraspinatusAbduction of shoulder External rotation of shoulder

Medial (C8) and lateral pectoral (C7)Pectoralis majorAdducts the shoulder
Pectoralis minorStabilizes the scapula

Subscapular (C5)Subscapularis and teres majorInternal rotation of shoulder

Thoracodorsal (C7)Latissimus dorsi Adduction of shoulder

Musculocutaneous (C5)Biceps brachii and brachialisFlexion of elbow

Ulnar (C8, T1)Flexor carpi ulnaris
Intrinsic muscles of hand
Flexion of wrist and fingers
Abduction of fingers

Median (C6, C7, C8, T1)Pronators of forearm
Flexors of wrist and fingers
Pronation of forearm
Flexion of wrist and fingers

Radial (C6, C7, C8)Supinator
Triceps brachii
Extensors of wrist and fingers
Supination of forearm
Extension of elbow, wrist, and fingers

Axillary (C5)Deltoid and teres minorAbduction of shoulder