Clinical Study

A Randomized Study Comparing Skin Staples with Subcuticular Sutures for Wound Closure at Caesarean Section in Black-Skinned Women

Table 1

Comparison of sociodemographic characteristics of the study participants.

VariableStapleSuture value value
Mean (SD)Mean (SD)

Age (years)31.6 (4.5)31.1 (4.27)0.5170.606

VariableStaples group
Suture group
Chi-square value

Marital status1.000*
 Single1 (2.1)1 (2.1)2 (2.1)
 Married46 (97.9)46 (97.9)92 (97.9)
 Total47 (100.0)47 (100.0)94 (100.0)
 Christianity36 (76.6)36 (76.6)72 (76.6)
 Islam11 (23.4)11 (23.4)22 (23.4)
 Total47 (100.0)47 (100.0)94 (100.0)
Highest education attained1.000*
 Secondary4 (8.5)3 (6.4)7 (7.4)
 Tertiary43 (91.5)44 (93.6)87 (92.6)
47 (100.0)47 (100.0)94 (100.0)
Monthly income (NGN)**3.6410.303
 <50,000 (<USD312.50)22 (46.8)20 (43.5)42 (45.2)
 ≥50,000 (≥USD312.50)25 (53.2)26 (56.5)51 (54.8)
 Total47 (100.0)46 (100.0)93 (100.0)

Fisher’s exact test.
**Exchange rate at the time of the study was NGN160 to USD1.