Research Article

Publication Bias in Meta-Analysis: Confidence Intervals for Rosenthal’s Fail-Safe Number

Figure 1

This figures shows the probability coverage of the different methods for confidence intervals (CI) according to the number of studies . The figure is organised as follows: the are drawn from four different distributions (standard normal distribution, half normal distribution, skew normal with negative skewness, and skew normal with positive skewness) which are depicted in ((a)–(d), (e)–(h), (i)–(l), and (m)–(p)), respectively. The different values of and for the variance correspond to the standard normal distribution ((a), (e), (i), and (m)), half normal distribution ((b), (f), (j), and (n)), skew normal with negative skewness ((c), (g), (k), and (o)), and skew normal with positive skewness ((d), (h), (l), and (p)).