Research Article

Supportive Care Needs following Cancer Treatment: A Comparison of Breast and Brain Cancer in an Australian Cohort

Table 4

Brain tumour survivors’ most frequently endorsed ten “unmet” needs ( ).

Rank*CaSUN need items %

1I need help to try to make decisions about my life in the context of uncertainty2826.4
2I need help to manage my concerns about the cancer coming back2624.5
3I need help to reduce stress in my life2523.5
4I need to talk to others who have experienced cancer2523.5
5I need more accessible hospital parking2321.7
6I need an ongoing case manager to whom I can go to find out about services whenever they are needed2220.8
7I need access to complementary and/or alternative therapy services1817.0
8I need help to know how to support my partner and/or family1817.0
9I need help to find out about financial support and/or government benefits to which I am entitled1716.0
10I need help to adjust to changes in my quality of life as a result of my career1615.1

CaSUN: cancer survivors’ unmet needs measure; : total number.
*All items also reported by BC participants are bolded.