Research Article

Therapeutic Effects of Acetone Extract of Saraca asoca Seeds on Rats with Adjuvant-Induced Arthritis via Attenuating Inflammatory Responses

Table 5

Changes in left foot joint diameter of rats over time.

Treated groupsJoint size (mm) on day 0 Joint size (mm) on day 7% Inhibition on day 7Joint size (mm) on day 14% Inhibition on day 14Joint size (mm) on day 21% Inhibition on day 21

51.49 92.77 98.97
Acetone extract 300 (mg/kg) 11.19 67.06 89.11
Acetone extract 500 (mg/kg) 50.75 91.96 98.63

Each value represents mean ± SD of six animals. Statistical analysis was done by one-way ANOVA followed by Dunnett’s t-test. The values are statistically highly significant at as compared to control rats.