Research Article

Cloning and Expression of Ama r 1, as a Novel Allergen of Amaranthus retroflexus Pollen

Table 1

Clinical attribute, skin prick test responses, and specific IgE values of patients reactive to recombinant Ama r 1.

Patients numberAge (years)/gender1Symptoms2Total IgE (IU/mL)A. retroflexus pollen extractrAma r 1-specific IgE
Skin prick test3Specific IgE4

138/MA, R15281.800.95
232/FA, R, L185122.101.23
321/FA, R16280.980.80
438/FA, R, L224121.891.10
523/MA, R, L132101.100.84
629/FA, R, L166121.950.98
741/MA, R17590.920.81
832/FA, R, L305152.211.15
922/MA, R 159111.120.87
1035/FA, L178100.970.78

1M: male; F: female.
2A: allergic rhinitis; L: lung symptoms (breathlessness, tight chest, cough, and wheeze); R: rhinoconjunctivitis.
3The mean wheal areas are displayed in mm2. Histamine diphosphate (10 mg/mL)—positive control; Glycerin—negative control.
4Determined in specific ELISA as OD (optical density) at 450 nm.