Research Article

Double Photoionization of Endohedrally Confined Atoms

Table 1

Energies and wave functions parameters (in atomic units) for ground and first excited states of an He-like atom embedded in the model fullerene cage.


Ground State

1.10 −2.8892 4.9390 0.47419 −0.99835 0.00187 0.05723
1.35 −2.9002 1.54985 0.54823 −0.94505 −0.31958 0.06879
1.60 −3.0905 0.54473 0.61216 −0.06843 −0.99762 −0.00798

First Excited State

1.10 −2.7127 0.55145 0.47419 0.38490 −0.91623 0.11117
1.35 −2.8879 4.71427 0.54823 0.99770 −0.03930 −0.05509
1.60 −2.8890 4.94203 0.61216 0.99837 −0.00609 −0.05671