Research Article

Chirping for Large-Scale Maritime Archaeological Survey: A Strategy Developed from a Practical Experience-Based Approach

Figure 9

During seismic survey of Haddeby Noor in 1996 [2], a barge (oval with dotted outline) dated to c. AD 1175 was discovered. First, an anomaly was observed during recording of the red sailing line. A number of supplementary profiles were then immediately recorded (shown as arrowed lines in the map, left) to elucidate the character of the anomaly in detail (sections, right). It was estimated that the first observed anomaly, with 95% probability, represented a boat/ship. Furthermore, it was concluded that the neighbouring anomaly (white oval) represented a natural phenomenon. With the present level of experience, the probability that the latter actually represents another boat is estimated at about 50%. After the seismic clarification, the red sailing line was resumed. Graphics produced by Grøn.