Research Article

A Phytogeographical Classification of the North American Pacific Coast Based on Climate, Vegetation and a Floristic Analysis of Vascular Plants

Figure 1

Physiographic map of the North American Pacific basin, climatograms for six sampled sites (see [8, Appendix  1], for site locations), and (lower left) phytogeographical units of the study area (after [15], modified): (1) Hudsonian province. (2) Sitkan province. (3) Oregonian province. (4) Californian region (Provinces: (4a) Northern Californian; (4b) Southern Californian; (4c) Martirense; (4d) Nevadian). (5) Baja Californian province. (6) Sanlucan province. Abbreviations for climatograms: Dr, Dry ombrotype; Hh, Hiperhumid ombrotype; Hu, Humid ombrotype; Mb, Mesoboreal thermotype; Mm, Mesomediterranean thermotype; Mt, Mesotemperate thermotype; P, annual precipitation (mm); St, Supratemperate thermotype; T, mean annual temperature (°C); Uh, Ultrahiperhumid ombrotype. Thermotypes and ombrotypes according to Rivas-Martínez [16].