Research Article

Role of Ascorbate in the Regulation of the Arabidopsis thaliana Root Growth by Phosphate Availability

Figure 1

Effect of phosphate availability and ascorbate concentration on the length of the primary root of the Arabidopsis seedlings. Wild-type (Col 0) and vtc1 mutant seedlings were grown 12 days on vertically oriented agar plates containing low (1 μM) P or high (1 mM) P medium, after that, primary root length was determined. Wild-type seedlings were cultured on media supplemented with varying concentrations of ASC or on ascorbate—free media (control). Seedlings of vtc1 mutant were cultured on ascorbate—free media. Values shown represent the mean of at least 50 seedlings ±SD. An asterisk denotes significant differences from the control with 𝑃 < 0 . 0 5 .