Research Article

Responses of Green Leaves and Green Pseudobulbs of CAM Orchid Cattleya laeliocattleya Aloha Case to Drought Stress

Figure 5

Total Chl content ((a), (b)) and CAM acidity ((c), (d)) and TA of GL ((a), (c)) and GPSB ((b), (d)) under different PPFDs after CAM orchid Cattleya laeliocattleya Aloha Case plants were subjected to drought stress for 2 and 3 weeks. Means of 5 measurements were measured from 5 different plants. Vertical bars represent standard errors. When the standard error bars cannot be seen, they are smaller than the symbols. **Above the means of GL and GPSB of drought-stressed plants are statistically different from the well-watered plants ( ).