Research Article

Indole-3-Acetic Acid, Polyamines, and Phenols in Hardwood Cuttings of Recalcitrant-to-Root Wild Grapes Native to East Asia: Vitis davidii and Vitis kiusiana

Table 5

Conjugate Polyamines content in hardwood cuttings of ‘Campbell Early,’ Vitis davidii, and Vitis kiusiana at 0 and 60 days after planting (2003).

PolyaminesGrapes Polyamines (nmol g−1 fw)Signif. between 0 and 60th day

Put Campbell Early *
V. davidii Ns
V. kiusiana **

SpdCampbell Early *
V. davidii Ns
V. kiusiana **

SpmCampbell Early Ns
V. davidii Ns
V. kiusiana Ns

Means with different letters in single rows are significantly different ( ).
Ns, , and indicate nonsignificant and significant at and , respectively.