Research Article

Continuing Medical Education for Primary Care Physicians in Israel: A Cross-Sectional Study

Table 4

Comparison of the updating habits of the lower and upper third respondents ( versus ).

JSPLL bottom third scores
( )
JSPLL upper third scores
( )
MeanStd.MedianN MeanStd.MedianN

Reading update (1-not at all; 5-very much)

Professional textbooks <0.0001
Hebrew journals <0.0001
Foreign language journals <0.0001
Pharmaceutical companies publications
Membership-based internet sites (exp. MD consult) <0.0001
Nonmember-based internet sites (exp. medscape) <0.0001
Self-learning CD <0.0001
IMA guidelines <0.0001

To what degree did you participate in the following updates during the past year (1-not at all; 5-very much)

CME courses (weekly meetings) 0.021
CME minicourses <0.0001
Scientific conferences <0.0001
Clinical meetings in the clinic <0.0001
Clinical meetings in the hospital <0.0001
Lectures at the hospital/clinic/university <0.0001
Pharmaceutical companies sponsored meetings
Accompanying physician (working alongside a specialist consultant)

Evaluate the frequency you utilize the following data sources when encountering a diagnostic/treatment problem (1-not at all; 5-very much)

Journals <0.0001
Computerized database <0.0001
Colleagues at the clinic
Consultation with a specialist
Sales representative of a pharmaceutical company
Circulation from the medical management of the HMO