Research Article

Dental Student Skills in Matching Radiographs for Forensic Identification and in Forensic Knowledge

Table 2

Survey responses.

(Correct dichotomized response) and % correctStrongly agreeAgreeNeutralDisagreeStrongly disagree

(1) Did the student match the correct original radiograph?(140) 92.1%
(2) If a single rooted tooth had an endodontic procedure, is it possible to match ante and post-mortem radiographs.(True) 74.3%(21) 13.8%(92) 60.5%(23) 15.1%(12) 7.9%(2) 1.3%
(3) The shape of palatal rugae remain consistent and are reliable forensic markers.(True) 25.7% (9) 5.9%(30) 19.7%(34) 22.4%(65) 42.8%(13) 8.6%
(4) Forensic odontology means “dealing with the time of death.”(False) 85.5% (5) 3.3%(16) 10.5%(23) 15.1%(67) 44.1%(39) 25.7%
(5) 2D bar codes are most commonly used in dentures of people with Parkinson’s and neurodegenerative diseases.(True) 44.7%(11) 7.2%(57) 37.5%(65) 42.8%(14) 9.2%(4) 2.6%
(6) Mesiodistal width of incisors can discriminate between male and females and are routinely used in court as evidence of sex.(False) 70.4%(9) 5.9%(36) 23.7%(29) 19.1%(60) 39.5%(18) 11.8%
(7) Altering original dental images may result in inaccurate identifications should a disaster requiring dental forensics occur.(True) 86.8%(70) 46.1%(62) 40.8%(14) 9.2%(4) 2.6% (2) 1.3%
(8) 14Carbon dating of teeth can be used to determine a person’s age within an error of ±1.75 years.(True) 62.5%(14) 9.2%(81) 53.3%(48) 31.6%(7) 4.6%(2) 1.3%
(9) The lightest striae of Retzius (the neonatal line) is associated with a stress of teething.(False) 65.8%(11) 7.2%(40) 26.3%(48) 31.6%(44) 28.9%(8) 5.3%
(10) In adult radiographs, physiologic changes can be seen as widening of pulp area.(False) 63.8%(18) 11.8%(36) 23.7%(17) 11.2%(43) 28.3%(37) 24.3%
(11) Use of third molar development as a legal landmark of age is valid.(False) 70.4%(8) 5.3%(33) 21.7%(32) 21.1%(48) 31.6%(27) 17.8%

Note. True: strongly agree or agree; false: neutral, disagree, or strongly disagree.