Research Article

Motivating Factors and Potential Deterrents to Blood Donation in High School Aged Blood Donors

Table 2

Perceived attractiveness of various incentives.

QComparison by sexComparison by race
Adjusted, %Adjusted, %
OverallFemaleMale valueAfr-AmerAsianCaucHispOther value

Type of incentive
Movie tickets()(a)82.587.982.50.29289.390.780.277.90.102
Free cookies/snacks after donation()(b)
Logo t-shirts, towels, mugs, bags()(c)75.781.873.60.14982.484.970.372.477.10.197
Free health screening (i.e., cholesterol level, diabetes test)()(d)76.579.574.10.37183.284.272.876.364.50.245
Credit towards community service hours performed ()(e)74.973.081.60.14771.587.173.570.681.70.093
A chance to erase some of my tardies to class()(f)

Percentages shown are the combined percentages of respondents who indicated appealing/somewhat appealing.
Question ()(b) has one missing response.
The values in this column correspond to the main effect of sex under the adjusted model.
The values in this column correspond to the main effect of race under the adjusted model.