Research Article

An Automated BIM Model to Conceptually Design, Analyze, Simulate, and Assess Sustainable Building Projects

Table 1

Sample of the algorithm developed to transfer the material quantity take-offs from BIM model to energy analysis tool.

Integration algorithm used to create plug-in Task

//GBXMLExportOptions gbx = new GBXMLExportOptions();
//Transaction t = TransactionManager.StartTransaction();
Transaction t = new Transaction (doc);
t.Start(“gbXML based export plug-in”);
doc.Export(“c:∖∖1∖∖”, “gbxml”, newGBXMLExportOptions());
//doc.SaveAs(“gbxml.xml”, sao.OverwriteExistingFile);
Process notePad = new Process();
Export and save material quantity take-offs to gbXML format

notePad.StartInfo.FileName = “Ecotect.exe”;
notePad.StartInfo.Arguments = “C:∖∖1∖∖gbxml.xml”;
Call Ecotect.exe to open gbXML files from the place where it is already saved