Research Article

Emotion-Focused Coping Worsens Depressive Feelings and Health Complaints in Cyberbullied Children

Table 7

Summary of the hierarchical regression analyses of bullied children for the predicted values of depression ( ) and health complaints ( ).

Predicting variablesDepressive feeling1Health complaints
B SE B βB SE B β

Step  1
 Frequency of cyberbullying.31.13 .32.11
Step  2
 Frequency of cyberbullying .11.05*.19.10.19
 Problem focused general coping−.18.16−.
 Emotion focused general coping−.09.12−.
 Problem focused cyberspecific coping−.09.17−.07−.22.16−.20
 Emotion focused cyberspecific coping.82.13 .56.12
Step  3
 Frequency of cyberbullying−.06.11−.
 Problem focused general coping−.19.15−.
 Emotion focused general coping−.07.12−.
 Problem focused cyberspecific coping−.06.16−.05−.20.16−.18
 Emotion focused cyberspecific coping.82.12 .56.12
 Duration of the cyberbullying.31.12.25*.14.13.12

Note: 1Depressive feelings: for Step  1; for Step  2; for Step  3; for Step  4. Health complaints: for Step  1; for Step  2; for Step  3.