Research Article

Synthesis, Characterization, and Crystal Structure of [Co4(CH3CO2)2L4]2[BPh4]40.5H2O, Where HL = 4-(Salicylaldiminato)antipyrine

Table 1

Crystal data and structure refinement details for the complex.

Empirical formulaC248H219B4Co8N24O24.50
Formula weight4442.15
Temperature295 K
Wavelength0.71073 Å
Crystal systemTriclinic
Space group (number)P-1 (2)
Unit cell parameters= 19.4643(5) Å, = 98.095(2)°
= 22.3372(5) Å, = 107.063(2)°
= 29.1735(5) Å, = 109.257(2)°
Cell volume11043.4(4) Å3
c1.336 g cm−3
μ0.659 mm−1
Crystal size0.48 × 0.25 × 0.18 mm3
range for data collection2.88–25.68°
Index ranges−23 ≤ ≤ 23, −27 ≤ ≤ 26, −32 ≤ ≤ 35
Reflections collected98826
Independent reflections41906 (int) = 0.0725
Goodness-of-fit on 1.023
indices > 2() = 0.0816, = 0.1484
indices (all data) = 0.1632, = 0.1826
Largest difference peak and hole0.681 and −0.350 eÅ−3