Review Article

Recycling of Badger/Fox Burrows in Late Pleistocene Loess by Hyenas at the Den Site Bad Wildungen-Biedensteg (NW, Germany): Woolly Rhinoceros Killers and Scavengers in a Mammoth Steppe Environment of Europe

Figure 2

Remains of the Ice Age spotted hyena Crocuta crocuta spelaea from the hyena open air site Bad Wildungen-Biedensteg (Hesse, NW-Germany). (1) High adult female deformed skull (no. Bi-10at), (a) lateral, occipital, (c) ventral, (d) dorsal, (e) frontal. (2) Early adult female skull (no. Bi-52/45), (a) lateral, (b) occipital, (c) ventral, (d) dorsal, (e) frontal, (f) redrawing (pmx: premaxillary, mx: maxillary, pa: palatine, ba: basis occipital, oc: occipital, j: jugal, tmp: temporal). (3) Brain case of a very young cub (no. Bi-10ev), (a)-(b) lateral, (c) caudal, (d)-(e) dorsal. (4) Left cracked mandible of an adult female, (b) dorsal, (c) labial (no. Bi-52/51). (5) Left radius of a young cub (no. Bi-10ew), craniolateral. (6) Axes of an adult animal (no. Bi-52/234), lateral. (7) Left femora of a young cub cranial (no. Bi-10em). (8)–(17) Coprolites from the hyena open air site Bad Wildungen-Biedensteg (Hesse, NW-Germany). (8) Two large pellets, partly encrusted by caliche (no. Bi-52/221). (9) Large oval pellet, partly encrusted by caliche at which originally another pellet was attached (no. Bi-52/213). (10) Three articulated pellets of different shape, partly encrusted by caliche (no. Bi-52/214). (11) Four partly articulated pellets, encrusted by caliche. Pellet D is broken; the end exposes a small prey bone fragment (no. Bi-52/210). (12) Two articulated pellets. In pellet B a bone fragment is present (no. Bi-52/219). (13) Sigmoid drop shaped and pointing single pellet (no. Bi-52/209). (14) Cone shaped and basal flat single pellet, that was originally attached to another pellet (no. Bi-52/220). (15) Irregular u-shaped pellet that was originally attached to other pellets (no. Bi-52/207). (16) Irregular shaped pellet that was originally attached to other pellets (no. Bi-52/212). (17) Small flat drop shaped pellet (no. Bi-52/218). (11) Small drop shaped single pellet (no. Bi-52/211). (18) Bone remains (red are represent) from an adult female, an early juvenile cub of few weeks of age and coprolites from the hyena freeland prey deposit site Bad Wildungen-Biedensteg near Hesse (NW-Germany).