Review Article

Recycling of Badger/Fox Burrows in Late Pleistocene Loess by Hyenas at the Den Site Bad Wildungen-Biedensteg (NW, Germany): Woolly Rhinoceros Killers and Scavengers in a Mammoth Steppe Environment of Europe

Figure 8

Coelodonta antiquitatis fore leg remains of grown up animals with hyena chewing marks from the hyena open air site Bad Wildungen-Biedensteg (Hesse, NW-Germany). (1) Articulated right ulna and radius from an early adult female individual (no. Bi-52/111 and 116), lateral. (2) Right ulna from an adult female individual (no. Bi-52/53), lateral. (3) Right ulna from an early adult female individual (no. Bi-10a), lateral. (4) Right ulna from an adolescent/adult individual (no. 10p), lateral. (5) Right ulna from an adolescent/adult female individual (no. 52/143), lateral. (6) Articulated intermedium and carpale 3 from an adult individual (no. Bi-52/34 and 235), cranial.