Research Article

Some New Records of Stinkhorns (Phallaceae) from Hollongapar Gibbon Wildlife Sanctuary, Assam, India

Table 1

Compartment wise distribution of stinkhorns in the Hollongapar Gibbon Wildlife Sanctuary.

Sl. numberName of Stinkhorn speciesNumber of fruit bodies in each compartmentTotal numberCount

IP. indusiatus 201010403
IIP. duplicatus 96152
IIIP. cinnabarinus 4152
IVP. merulinus 32163
V P. atrovolvatus 441
VI M. bambusinus 825151215755
VIIC. delicatus 221
Total number1166262222147
Size of Comp. in km226.9854320.98
Numbers of Transects414108642

Note. Comp.: compartment; km2: kilometers square.