Research Article

Pre-Steady-State Kinetic Analysis of Truncated and Full-Length Saccharomyces cerevisiae DNA Polymerase Eta

Figure 2

Equilibrium dissociation constant for full-length yPol 𝜂 . (a) Gel image showing binary complex formation at various concentrations of full-length yPol 𝜂 (10–450 nM) in the presence of 5 -[32P]-labeled D-1 DNA (10 nM). (b) The concentration of the binary complex was plotted as a function of full-length yPol 𝜂 concentration and fit to (2) to yield a 𝐾 D N A 𝑑 = 16 ± 1 nM. (c) For the fluorescence titration assay, a plot of fluorescence intensity versus full-length yPol 𝜂 concentration was fit to (3) which resolved a 𝐾 D N A 𝑑 = 7 ± 4 nM.