Research Article

Pre-Steady-State Kinetic Analysis of Truncated and Full-Length Saccharomyces cerevisiae DNA Polymerase Eta

Table 2

Rate and equilibrium dissociation constants for the binary complex yPol 𝜂 DNA at 23°C.

Kinetic ParameterTruncated yPol 𝜂 Full-length yPol 𝜂

𝑘 o n ( 𝜇 M-1 s-1 ) a 0.620.59
𝑘 o (s-1)0.008 ± 0.0010.0041 ± 0.0008
𝐾 D N A 𝑑 (nM ) b 34 ± 316 ± 1
𝐾 D N A 𝑑 (nM ) c 13 ± 57 ± 4

a C alculated as 𝑘 o / 𝐾 D N A 𝑑 . The 𝐾 D N A 𝑑 value was measured from a fluorescence titration assay.
b E stimated using EMSA.
c M easured using a fluorescence titration assay.