Review Article

Practical Tips for Construction of Custom Peptide Libraries and Affinity Selection by Using Commercially Available Phage Display Cloning Systems

Table 1

Features of various systems of M13 and T7 phages.

SystemSize limitNumbers of peptides per virionPresentation region

M133Unknown5N-terminus to gp3
33No limit<1
3 + 3
8Short>2,700N-terminus to gp8
8 + 8 No limit100–1000
8 + 8 UnknownC-terminus to gp8
6 + 6 No limit<1N-terminus to gp6
6 + 6 C-terminus to gp6
9 + 9 N-terminus to gp9

T7T7Select1-11200aa<1C-terminus to gp10B