Review Article

Chemical Approaches for Structure and Function of RNA in Postgenomic Era

Table 3

Frequency of stem loops in primary pre-mRNA transcripts. The simple stem loops with minimal 3 nucleotides in the loop and minimal 3 base pairs in the stem consisting of AU, GC, and GU pairs have been constructed with the aid of a computer [46]. The total number of nucleotides were divided by numbers of stem loops for frequency. The number of nucleotides in each loop and each stem and spacer were counted and averages were calculated. ( 1 ) Human insulin gene transcript: 1,430 nt. ( 2 ) Human HDHGT (25-hydroxyvitamin D3 1-α-hydroxylase gene transcript): 4,825 nt. ( 3 ) Human FMR1 (fragile mental retardation 1) gene transcript: 39,224 nt. ( 4 ) Chicken ovomucoid gene transcript: 6,067 nt.

Transcriptnt/loopnt/stemnt in spacerFrequency

( 1 ) Insulin4.67.43.515.5
( 2 ) HDHGT5.87.04.917.6
( 3 ) FMR15.06.83.415.3
( 4 ) Ovomucoid5.67.03.716.0