Research Article

Hybridization of Adaptive Differential Evolution with an Expensive Local Search Method

Algorithm 2

Pseudocode of DEELS.
(1) Inputs: Generate uniform and random points, from the search space to form population ;
(2) : the number of points selected for LS;
(3) : the number of iterations of LS for concentration;
(4) : the number of iterations of LS for refining solution;
(5) : population size;
(6) FES: number of function evaluations;
(7) : generation counter;
(8) : interval between the LS calls;
(9) error: desired accuracy for LS method;
(10) , ;
(11) Evaluate the population;
(12) Set and ;
(13) whiledo
(14)   Start the algorithm with JADE by using (4) for generating mutant vector, (2) for trial vector,
     (3) for best solution selection and (6) and (7) for adaptation of control parameters;
(15)   Explore the population for generations.
(16)   Sort the objective values;
(17)   Select best points;
(18)   for to do
(19)     Apply iteration of BFGS to these points;
(20)     ifthen
(21)      Break;
(22)     else ifthen
(23)      Update the population by adding new points to it such that its size becomes ;
(24)      Sort the objective values;
(25)      Delete the worse individuals from ;
(26)     end if
(27)   end for
(28)   Apply JADE to this new population until next generations;
(29)   ifthen
(30)     Break;
(31)   else
(32)     ;
(33)   end if
(34) end while