Research Article

Design and Evaluation of Voriconazole Eye Drops for the Treatment of Fungal Keratitis

Table 7

A comparative study of antifungal activity of voriconazole solutions with viscosity modifier (xanthan gum), xanthan gum alone, and HP-β-CD based voriconazole ophthalmic solution against Aspergillus  fumigatus.

S. numberSolutionMean of diameter of zone of inhibition (mm) ± SERange of zone
size (mm)
Coefficient of
variance (%)

IVoriconazole + cyclodextrin complex (HP-β-CD) 12.01–12.120.17
IIIViscosity modifier (xanthan gum 1.5%) 10.01–10.140.19
IVVoriconazole + HP-β-CD + xanthan gum (1.5% w/v) 68.31–68.450.81