Review Article

Integrin Signaling, Cell Survival, and Anoikis: Distinctions, Differences, and Differentiation

Figure 2

β1/Fak/Src integrin signaling, cell survival, and suppression of anoikis. Binding of an ( ) 1 integrin to its ECM ligand primarily allows the recruitment and activation of Fak. On the one hand, Fak activates PI3-K directly or indirectly via Src and/or an IRS, leading to activation of Akt. Activated Akt then performs various cell survival functions. On the other hand, Fak may directly recruit Grb2-Sos, or indirectly via Src, leading to the activation of the small GTPase Ras and thereby stimulating the Raf/MEK/Erk pathway. This latter pathway can also be stimulated by certain partner subunits of 1, through the recruitment/activation of Fyn or Yes, two other Src family members, and their subsequent recruitment of p52 -Grb2-Sos. The Raf/MEK/Erk pathway then likewise performs cell survival functions. Additionally, the stimulation of the PI3-K/Akt and/or Raf/MEK/Erk pathways generally results in an upregulation of Bcl-2 expression for the anti-apoptotic homologs and a down-regulation for the pro-apoptotic homologs, as well as an upregulation of IAP expression and other apoptosis suppressor molecules, such as c-Flip. Alternatively, Fak and/or Src will participate in the recruitment of paxillin, talin, vinculin to assemble focal adhesions in direct association with actin microfilaments. Similarly, ILK will be engaged by 1 integrins to assemble and regulate focal adhesions along with its PINCH and parvin partners, whereas ILK can also contribute in microtubule assembly/stability. The overall stabilization of the cytoskeleton enables the sequestration of the pro-apoptotic homologs Bmf and Bim. Note that various other survival signaling pathways stimulated by integrin 1/Fak/Src signaling (e.g., p130 -Nck-PAK, and PKC) are not shown here for reasons of clarity and conciseness. Pα/β/γ, parvin α, β, γ; Pax, paxillin; PINCH1/2, particularly interesting new cysteine-histidine rich protein-1/-2; Tal, talin; Vin, vinculin.