Research Article

Commitment of Satellite Cells Expressing the Calcium Channel α2δ1 Subunit to the Muscle Lineage

Figure 2

Satellite cells sorted for CD34 and α2δ1. Satellite cells were sorted in four subpopulations and plated in growth medium (20%). Although both subpopulations of cells expressing α2/δ1+ differentiated into myotubes, the α2δ1+/CD34 cells formed longer and thicker myotubes at 7 and 21 days. α2δ1/CD34 cells transiently produced myotubes, but they did not last past 10 days in culture. α2δ1/CD34+ cells did not produce myotubes at any time. Images correspond to day 21 in culture. Image sizes are 623 μm 623 μm.