Review Article

Signal Transduction in Astrocytes during Chronic or Acute Treatment with Drugs (SSRIs, Antibipolar Drugs, GABA-ergic Drugs, and Benzodiazepines) Ameliorating Mood Disorders

Figure 4

((a), (b)) Time course for upregulation of receptor mRNA (a) and protein (b) during treatment of cultured mouse astrocytes with different concentrations of fluoxetine. (c) Editing of receptor after 3 days of treatment with 10 μM fluoxetine. ((d), (e)) Reduction of effect of receptor stimulation after downregulation of cultured astrocytes and transfected COS-7 cells with 10 μM fluoxetine for 7 days. Unpublished experiments by B. Li and L. Peng. Methodologies for (a)–(c) were as in Li et al. [22]. Response of the receptor to serotonin was measured as increase in the ability of serotonin to evoke release of 3H-inositol phosphate (IP) from labeled IP3 in cultured astrocytes (d) and in cos-7 cells infected with receptor plasmids of either normal receptors or receptors with 8 RNA sites RNA (e). Unpublished experiments by B. Li and L. Peng.