Research Article

Fertility in Gyr Cows (Bos indicus) with Fixed Time Artificial Insemination and Visual Estrus Detection Using a Classification Table

Table 1

Sexual behavioral signs of cows in estrus.

ItemMain and secondary estrus signsScore

1Quiet acceptance (standing) to be mounted by teaser bull or cow (QAM)100
2Standing to disoriented mounts60
3Chin resting of bull or cow on rump50
4Alopecia by scraping or excoriation on tail head or rump 30
5Vulva mucosa red or pink20/5
6Presence or discharge of cervical mucus30
7Supporting chin on rump of other cows10
8Frequent urination (more than three times)10
9Sniffing and licking the anogenital zone by another cow10
10Flehmen by bull or cow10
11Walking in circles with mutual sniffing of the genitalia 10
12Butting head to head5
13Attempt or rejection to mount5
14To be followed by other cows (following)5
15Walking, agitated, or nervous (restlessness)5
16Accepting chin or head support else where5

Score ≥ 100 points needed to classify a cow in estrus in an observation period AM or PM