Research Article

Prevalence of Subclinical Mastitis and Distribution of Pathogens in Dairy Farms of Rubavu and Nyabihu Districts, Rwanda

Table 2

Management practices routines employed by dairy farmers in the study area.

Management practiceIntensive ()Extensive ()Total percentage
Number of responsesPercentageNumber of responsesPercentage

Mastitis screening
If yes, how?
 Strip cup00.0%11.4%1.4%
 Clinical signs34.1%4054.8%58.9%
If no, why?
 Lack of knowledge34.1%1723.3%27.4%
 Lack of screening materials11.4%11.4%2.7%
 No mastitis cases00.0%22.7%2.7%

Mastitis control
If yes, how?
 Cow hygiene11.4%79.6%11.0%
 Dry cow therapy00.0%45.5%5.5%
 Use of teat dips22.7%00.0%2.7%
 Treatment of clinical cases79.6%4156.2%65.8%
If no, why?
 Lack of knowledge00.0%1115.1%15.1%

Milking technique
 Hand milking1013.7%6386.3%100.0%
 Milking machine00.0%00.0%0.0%

Milking place
 Open space22.7%6386.3%89.0%
 Milking from stanchion/tie stalls811.0%00.0%11.0%