Review Article

Elastic and Thermal Dynamics in Femtosecond Laser-Induced Structural Change Inside Glasses Studied by the Transient Lens Method

Table 1

Viscosities 𝜂 [32, 37], thermal expansion coefficients α [32, 36], band gaps 𝐸 𝑔 [6, 39], refractive indices 𝑛 [36], and glass transition temperatures 𝑇 𝑔 [38] of silica glass and sodalime glass [32].

η (Pa·s) at 600°C 𝜂 (Pa·s) at 1200°Cα (10−6/°C)Eg (eV)n (590 nm)Tg (°C)

Silica glass>1016~10110.67.51.46~1100
Sodalime glass~1011~1023.8~3.21.62~550