Clinical Study

Characteristics of Adult T-Cell Leukemia/Lymphoma Patients with Long Survival: Prognostic Significance of Skin Lesions and Possible Beneficial Role of Valproic Acid

Table 1

Clinical characteristics, according to survival periods, of Adult T-cell Leukemia/Lymphoma (ATL) patients, diagnosed between 1st January 1983 and 31st March 2013 in Martinique.

Mean age ±   (years)Men (%)AD (%)H (%)S (%)C (%)C (%)LD > 2N (%)S (%)Eo≥ 1 × 109/L (%)

All patients ()56.9 ± 17.050.380.021.718.343.446.955.442.516.0

Patients not presenting with long survival ()57.5 ± 16.850.981.222.419.441.248.556.443.414.9
Patients presenting with long survival (>10 years) ()44.0 ± 14.540.

ADP: adenomegaly, HM: hepatomegaly, SM: splenomegaly, CL: cutaneous lesions, Ca: hypercalcemia, LDH: lactate dehydrogenase, Ss: Strongyloides stercoralis, Eos: eosinophilia, and SD: standard deviation; : level of significance set at 5%.