Research Article

Synthesis and Anchoring of Antineoplastic Ferrocene and Phthalocyanine Derivatives on Water-Soluble Polymeric Drug Carriers Derived from Lysine and Aspartic Acid

Scheme 1

Main picture: Colour-coded general synthetic strategy towards the syntheses of polymeric drug carrier devices. Right, in blue: functionalisation of the antineoplastic drug, ferrocene, to 3-ferrocenylbutanoic acid. Left: The synthesis of a specific ferrocene-containing drug delivery device derived from aspartic acid. The colour codes in the side portions are the same as those used in the central main picture. The main picture was reproduced with permission from copyright owner “International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry.” An adaption of the main part of this scheme was previously published as follows: J. C. Swarts, in Macromol. Sym., Eds. K. Levon and A. Guiseppi-Elie), vol 186, pages 123–128, 2002; Copyright Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KgaA, reproduced with permission.