Review Article

A Perspective on the Emergence of Sialic Acids as Potent Determinants Affecting Leishmania Biology

Figure 2

(a) Enhanced α2-6 linked SA on virulent AG83 as compared to avirulent UR6 promastigotes. Assay was performed using biotinylated SNA and MAA and the binding was analyzed by flow cytometry as described in [69]. “*” means-Results are the mean ± S.D. of 4 experiments performed in duplicate and * (asterix) means P < 0.01 as compared to UR6. (b) Linkage-specific sialoglycoproteins on virulent promastigotes of Leishmania sp. Membrane preparations of virulent K27, JISH 118 promastigotes and their corresponding desialylated membranes were blotted using biotinylated SNA and MAA as described in [68]. Total membrane proteins of different strains and molecular weight markers are denoted as Lanes MP and M, respectively (reproduced and adapted from [68, 69] with permission of the publishers, the Cambridge University Press, and Oxford University Press).